It's a good game to practise some of those Executive Functions I mentioned in the last post. Quick thinking, decision making, dexterity, and interacting with others - and all without long, drawn-out explanations of how to play!
It's a great family game, for all ages (roll fewer dice if some hands are too small).
Everyone gets ten dice. Someone says, “Go.” Then everyone rolls and rolls as fast as they can until someone gets all their dice on the same number and shouts “TENZI.”
There are several variations on the game and a surprisingly large number of links on YouTube for how to play (but I mean, really, how hard can it be???)
Check out the 'rags to riches' story of the game on the website.
Finally, having checked out the website, I'm interested in the other games they've created! And now, there is "77 Ways to Play Tenzi". Mastermind Toys doesn't carry it but does!
Let me know what you think of any of them when you've played them.
Finally, a personal note: writing this Blog is costing me money. When I wrote about books to read to your children, I found the annotated version of The Phantom Tollbooth. It's a wonderful book - I bought it! And now I think I'd like to buy 77 Ways to Play Tenzi!
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