Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Metric Staircase and Math Antics

This is a short post today with two hints/strategies/homework help related to Math (and apologies for those who know about these already!)

The first is from my Grade 7 student, Emma.  She told me with a lot of pride that she had done well on her measurement test today and one of the strategies that really helped her was the Metric Staircase.  So we checked it out - with Emma explaining to me how it worked and the mnemonic for remembering the intervals.  I've put three examples here; in the first one I circled the unit that is not used often (although you'll see it in 'hectares' - a unit of area)

Emma added that her chart had another arrow indicating that you multiply when moving down the staircase.  You could create a separate staircase depending on the units being worked on (mass, distance, capacity).  

The other Math help I learned as I was editing the Math textbooks I'm working on for GTK Press.  It's a video series called Math Antics.  I've been impressed with the professional presentation of all the videos. The pace is fast enough to keep  you interested; the graphics are well done; and there is humour. Check out the one Emma and I watched today on Integers.  For others - do a search on Math Antics + topic.  Be careful - there are some really sloppy videos out there.  I've spent a lot of time looking at potential videos and this series is by far the best.

Stay safe and warm.


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