Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Moving Beyond 'How was school today?' Question

This topic came up because of the conversation around the family Thanksgiving table this weekend.

I think we've all been there - trying to start a conversation with the question "How was your day?" or "How was school today?" Often the response is "Fine." and that's the end of the conversation.

I found several websites with variations on the following questions.  I've adapted some of them for this post.

50 + Questions to Ask After School

(or during dinner!)

  1. What was the best thing that happened today?
  2. What made you smile today?
  3. What made you laugh?
  4. Tell me about a kindness you saw (or did) today?
    1. Follow up - did you see any unkindness?
  5. Who did you help today? 
  6. Whose bucket did you fill today?
  7. Who filled your bucket?
  8. Does everyone have someone to play with at recess?
  9. What was the book about that your teacher was reading to you?
  10. What's the word of the day? (or week?)
  11. What was the silliest thing you saw today?
  12. If you could change one thing about today, what would it be?
  13. What did you do that was really creative?
  14. What compliment did you pay someone today?
  15. Did someone compliment you today?  What did they say?
  16. What are some of the games that the kids play at recess?
  17. What recess game is your favourite?
  18. How many times do you think you said 'Thank you'?
  19. Who do you sit with at lunch?
  20. What did you learn today that was brand new to you?
  21. Who was the person who inspired you today? (or made you feel good about yourself?)
  22. What were the high points and the low points of today?
  23. What's your favourite part of the day?
  24. What's your least favourite part of the day?
  25. Was anyone absent today?
  26. What happened in class that made you think?
  27. Who did you play with today?
  28. Tell me something you learned today that you didn't know yesterday.
  29. Did you like your lunch?
  30. Rate your day on a scale from 1 - 10.
  31. How were you brave today?
  32. What was a question you asked in class today?
  33. What were the top two things that happened today?
  34. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
  35. What are you reading right now?
  36. What was/is the hardest rule to follow?
  37. Teach me something that I probably don't know.
  38. If you could change one thing about today, what would it be?
  39. What made your teacher smile today?  What made your teacher frown?
  40. What made you feel proud today?
  41. Tell me about one new word you learned today.
  42. What is your favourite part of the school building?  Least favourite?
  43. If you switched places with your teacher tomorrow, what would you teach the class?
  44. What colour were the teacher's shoes today?
  45. Who did you say something nice to today?  What did you say?
  46. Who needs a friend at school?
  47. What word did the teacher say a lot today?
  48. How does the teacher tell the class to be quiet?
  49. Where is your desk?  Who are you sitting with?
  50. Did you see the custodian (caretaker) today?  What was she/he doing?
  51. What do you wish the teacher knew about you?
  52. What is one crazy thing that happened at school today?
  53. If I got an email from your teacher today, what would it say?
  54. Who told a funny joke today?  What was it?
  55. Which of your teachers was the happiest today? Grumpiest? Kindest?
  56. When were you bored today? (what was the topic?  How could it be more interesting?)
  57. Did anyone have a birthday today?  How are they going to celebrate?
  58. What was the most challenging part of the day?
All of these questions can have follow-up questions but I'd play it by ear.  One question often leads to another and lo and behold you have a conversation.  And finally, don't forget a conversation is a two-way street, so be ready to share what happened to you today.  Invite your child to ask you a question, or share your own experience (current or past) related to the question you asked.

If you have other questions you've tried, please share!

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