So we created the 'End of Day Buddy" system. I paired those organizationally-challenged students with those who were better organized. In fact, it got to be that I could pair any two students and they would work with each other. I'd hear - "Do you have ????" and '"Nope, wait, it's right here." and together they helped each other get organized at the end of the day. It certainly reduced the number of times I would hear from parents about lost assignments or projects.
Here's a suggested Checklist from that the End of Day Buddies can use. The suggestion is that the Checklist goes on the backpack.
I like the larger size and would suggest that there be a laminated checklist for the top of the desk or the inside of the locker, as well as the backpack.
Those who have read Smart but Scattered, recommended in an earlier post, will recognize a list such as this one. Note that lists such as these become 'invisible' with time. Children are so used to seeing them that eventually they don't! So switch them up. After a couple of weeks, review the list together and figure out what can be removed or added. Maybe change the colour of the paper. Let your child 'own' it by suggesting what should be on the list and then personalize it (with stickers, drawings etc).
Here's to organization!
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